ISSN 1994-8964 (print)), 2949-463Х (online)
Since 2023, has been published in the online format
Publication frequency: 2 times per year. Founded in 1991
Editor-in-Chief - Nikolay S. Babich, PhD in Sociology.
Indexation: WoS RSCI, RSCI, VAK RF
Double blind peer review
Open Access
The orientation of the journal makes it unique specialized publication focusing on the methodology and methods of sociological research, the collection, measurement and analysis of social science data, building mathematical models of social processes.
Main Columns:
- Social Research Methodology
- Theory and History of methods
- Data collection procedures
- Measurement techniques
- Mathematical modeling
- Methods of data analysis
- Selective strategies
- Information and software research
- Teaching methodology and methods of sociological research
- Consulting