«Мобильные методы»: исследование жизни в движении
«Мобильные методы» позволяют исследовать перемещения и образуемые ими формы социальности. Невозможность исследовать «жизнь в движении» статичными методами – один из основных тезисов мобильного поворота, в начале 2000-х гг. переопределившего исследовательскую повестку социальных наук. Основное внимание уделяется методам совместных перемещений – наиболее востребованным в исследовательской практике «мобильным методам». Рассматриваются как наиболее популярный из них – метод совместной прогулки, так и менее известные, такие как «следование тенью» и модальный анализ. Описываются основные процедуры «совместных перемещений», их возможности и ограничения, частично реконструируется дискуссия о различиях между «мобильными методами» и «методами исследования мобильности», актуальная для эмпирических исследований перемещений.
Ключевые слова:
мобильный поворот, мобильные методы, методы исследования мобильности, совместное перемещение, совместная прогулка, следование тенью, модальный анализ
Урри Д. Мобильности. М.: Праксис, 2012.
Cresswell T., Merriman P. Geographies of Mobilities: Practices, Spaces, Subjects. Farnham; Burlington: Ashgate, 2012
Adey P., Bissell D., Hannam K., Merriman P., Sheller M. The Routledge Handbook of Mobilities. London; New York: Routledge, 2014.
Bissell D., Fuller G. Stillness in a Mobile World. London; New York: Rout¬ledge, 2011.
Bissell D. Thinking Habits for Uncertain Subjects: Movement, Stillness, Sus¬ceptibility // Environment and Planning A. 2011. Vol. 43(11). P. 2649–2665.
Bissell D. Narrating Mobile Methodologies: Active and Passive Empiricisms // Mobile Methodologies / Ed. B. Fincham, M. McGuinness, L. Murray. Basingstoke; New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010. P. 53–68.
Endres M., Manderscheid K., Mincke C. The Mobilities Paradigm: Discourses and Ideologies. London; New York: Routledge, 2016.
Adey P., Bissell D. Mobilities, Meetings, and Futures: An Interview with John Urry // Environment and Planning D. Society and Space. 2010. Vol. 28(1). P. 1–16.
Sheller M., Urry J. The New Mobilities Paradigm // Environment and Planning A. 2006. Vol. 38. P. 207–226.
Mobile Methods / Ed. M. Büscher, J. Urry, K. Witchger. London: Routledge, 2011.
Mobile Methodologies / Ed. B. Fincham, M. McGuinness, L. Murray. Bas¬ingstoke; New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010.
DeLyser D., Sui D. Crossing the Qualitative-quantitative Chasm II: Inventive Approaches to Big Data, Mobile Methods and Rhythmanalysis // Progress in Human Geography. 2012. Vol. 37(2). P. 293–305.
Возьянов А. Возможности как проблема. Об одном опыте «дигитали¬зированного» самонаблюдения информантов // Шаги/Steps. 2015. Вып. № 3. Т. 1. C. 114–126.
Глазков К., Стрельникова А. Мобильные методы: движение как часть исследовательской стратегии // INTER. ИНТЕРакция. ИНТЕРвью. ИНТЕРпре¬тация. 2015. № 10. C. 79–90.
Bærenholdt J.O., Haldrup M., Larsen J., Urry J. Performing Tourist Places. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2004.
Spinney J. Close Encounters? Mobile Methods, (Post)phenomenology and Affect // Cultural Geographies. 2015. Vol. 22(2). P. 231–246.
Büscher M. Mobile Methods // Mobile Lives Forum. URL: http:// en.forumviesmobiles.org/marks/mobile-methods-697 (date of access: 19.10.2017).
Self W. Psychogeography. London: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 2007.
Sinclair I. London Orbital. The Walk around the M25. London: Penguin, 2003.
Bissell D. Passenger Mobilities: Affective Atmospheres and the Sociality of Public Transport // Environment and Planning D. Society and Space. Vol. 28(2). P. 270–289.
Ways of Walking. Ethnography and Practice on Foot / Ed. T. Ingold, J. Ver¬gunst J.. Aldershot, Burlington: Ashgate, 2008.
Laurier E. Being There/Seeing There: Recording and Analysing Life in the Car // Mobile Methodologies / Ed. B. Fincham, M. McGuinness, L. Murray. Basing¬stoke; New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010. P. 103–117.
Merriman P. Rethinking Mobile Methods // Mobilities. 2014. Vol. 9(2). P. 167–187.
Macpherson H. Walking Methods in Landscape Research: Moving Bodies, Spaces of Disclosure and Rapport // Landscape Research. 2016. Vol. 41(4). P. 425–432.
Ross N. J., Renold E., Holland S., Hillman A. Moving Stories: Using Mobile Methods to Explore the Everyday Lives of Young People in Public Care // Qualitative Research. 2009. Vol. 9(5). P. 605–623.
Kusenbach M. Street Phenomenology the Go-along as Ethnographic Research Tool // Ethnography. 2003. Vol. 4(3). P. 455–485.
Lee J., Ingold T. Fieldwork on Foot: Perceiving, Routing, Socializing // Locating the Field. Space, Place and Context in Anthropology / Ed. S. Coleman, P. Collins. Oxford: Berg, 2006. P. 67–86.
Wiederhold A. Conducting Fieldwork at and away from Home: Shifting Researcher Positionality with Mobile Interviewing Methods // Qualitative Research. 2015. Vol. 15(5) P. 600 – 615.
Стрельникова А.В. Метод биографической прогулки: интервью в пространственном измерении // Современная социология — современной России: Сборник статей VI междунар. научно-практ. конфю памяти А.О. Крыштановского / Под ред. А.Б. Гофмана, Г.В. Градосельской, И.Ф. Девятко, Д.Х. Ибрагимовой, И.М. Козиной, Л.Я. Косалс, В.А. Мансурова, В.Г. Николаева, О.А. Оберемко, Н.Е. Покровского, Ю.Н. Толстовой, А.Ю. Чепуренко, Е.Р. Ярской-Смирновой. М.: Издательский дом НИУ ВШЭ, 2012. С. 665–672.
Spinney J. A Place of Sense: a Kinaesthetic Ethnography of Cyclists on Mt Ventoux // Environment and Planning D. Society and Space. 2006. Vol. 24(5). P. 709–732.
King K. Choosing Their Own Paths: Mobile Methodologies for Understanding Youth Lifestyles // Duncan T., Cohen S., Thulemark M. Lifestyle Mobilities: Intersections of Travel, Leisure and Migration. London; New York: Routledge, 2013. P. 83–98.
Aldred R., Jungnickel K. Constructing Mobile Places between ‘Leisure’ and ‘Transport’: A Case Study of Two Group Cycle Rides // Sociology. 2012. Vol. 46(3). P. 523–539.
Laurier E. Doing Office Work on the Motorway // Theory, Culture and Society. 2004. Vol. 21(4/5). P. 261–277.
Nóvoa A. ‘A Country on Wheels’: a Mobile Ethnography of Portuguese Lorry Drivers // Environment and Planning A. 2014. Vol. 46. P. 2834–2847.
Brembeck H., Hansson N., Vayre J.-S. Life Phases, Mobility and Consump¬tion: An Ethnography of Shopping Routes. London; New York: Routledge, 2016.
Plyuscheva A. E. Commuting with New Transport Infrastructure: Change, Cost and Comfort on the Sofia Metro Extension (Thesis Submitted for the degree of doctor of Philosophy University College London). 2016. URL: http://discovery. ucl.ac.uk/1514417/1/Plyushteva_Anna%20Final%20Thesis.pdf (date of access: 19.10.2017).
Чарнявска Б. Процесс организации: как его изучать и как писать о нем // Этнографическое обозрение. 2010. № 1. С. 6–23.
Jones P., Evans J. The Spatial Transcript: Analysing Mobilities through Qualitative GIS // Area. 2012. Vol. 44(1). P. 92–99.
Jones P., Evans J. Rescue Geography: Place Making, Affect and Regenera¬tion // Urban Studies. 2012. Vol. 49(11). P. 2315–2330.
Thrift N. Driving in the City // Theory, Culture & Society. 2004. Vol. 21(4–5). P. 41–59.
Adey P., Bissell D, McCormack D., Merriman P. Profiling the Passenger: Mo¬bilities, Identities, Embodiments // Cultural Geographies. 2012. Vol. 19(2). P. 169–193.
McDonald S. Studying Actions in Context: a Qualitative Shadowing Method for Organizational Research // Qualitative Research. 2005. Vol. 5(4). P. 455–473.
Blake K., Stalberg E. Me and My Shadow: Observation, Documentation, and Analysis of Serials and Electronic Resources Workflow // Serials Review. 2009. Vol. 35(4). P. 242–52.
Gilliat-Ray S. ‘Being There’: The Experience of Shadowing a British Muslim Hospital Chaplain // Qualitative Research. 2011. Vol. 11(5). P. 469–86.
Miller D. A Theory of Shopping. Cambridge: Polity, 1998.
Jiron P. On Becoming “la sombra”/ the Shadow // Büscher M., Urry J., Witchger K. Mobile Methods. London: Routledge, 2011.
Alamo A., Picone M. Shadowing and Qualitative Gis: Tools for Urban Nar¬rations // Scienze del territorio. 2015. No. 3: Rebuilding the City. P. 391–399.67
Czarniawska B. Shadowing and Other Techniques for Doing Fieldwork in Modern Societies. Liber, Sweden: Copenhagen Business School Press, 2007.
Gill R., Barbour J., Dean M. Shadowing in/as Work: Ten Recommenda¬tions for Shadowing Fieldwork Practice // Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management: An International Journal. 2014. Vol. 9(1). P. 69 – 89.
Vásquez C., Brummans B. H.J.M., Groleau C. Notes from the Field on Organizational Shadowing as Framing // Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management: An International Journal. 2012. Vol. 7(2). P. 144 – 165.
Запольская А. Б. Метод фотоинтервью в социальных исследованиях: аналитический обзор // Социология: методология, методы, математическое моделирование. 2014. № 39. С. 127–156.
Augaurd J.-F. Step by Step. Everyday Walks in a French Urban Housing Project. Minneapolis; London: Univ. of Minnesota Press, 2007 [1979].
Brown E., Shortell T. Walking in Cities Quotidian Mobility as Urban Theory, Method, and Practice. Philadelphia: Temple Univ. Press, 2015.
Де Серто М. Изобретение повседневности. СПб.: Изд-во Европейского университета, 2014.
Conley K. Robert Desnos, Surrealism, and the Marvelous in Everyday Life. Lincoln; London: University of Nebraska Press, 2008.
Sadler S. The Situationist City. Cambridge, MA: the MIT Press, 1999.
Hall T., Lashua B., Coffey A. Sound and the Everyday in Qualitative Research // Qualitative Inquiry. 2008. Vol. 14(6). P. 1019–1040.
Edensor T. The Ghosts of Industrial Ruins: Ordering and Disordering Memory in Excessive Space // Environment and Planning D: Society and Space. 2005. Vol. 23. P. 829–849.
Aoki J., Yoshimizu A. Walking Histories, Un/making Places: Walking Tours as Ethnography of Place // Space and Culture. 2015. Vol. 18(3). P. 273–284.
Cresswell T., Merriman P. Geographies of Mobilities: Practices, Spaces, Subjects. Farnham; Burlington: Ashgate, 2012
Adey P., Bissell D., Hannam K., Merriman P., Sheller M. The Routledge Handbook of Mobilities. London; New York: Routledge, 2014.
Bissell D., Fuller G. Stillness in a Mobile World. London; New York: Rout¬ledge, 2011.
Bissell D. Thinking Habits for Uncertain Subjects: Movement, Stillness, Sus¬ceptibility // Environment and Planning A. 2011. Vol. 43(11). P. 2649–2665.
Bissell D. Narrating Mobile Methodologies: Active and Passive Empiricisms // Mobile Methodologies / Ed. B. Fincham, M. McGuinness, L. Murray. Basingstoke; New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010. P. 53–68.
Endres M., Manderscheid K., Mincke C. The Mobilities Paradigm: Discourses and Ideologies. London; New York: Routledge, 2016.
Adey P., Bissell D. Mobilities, Meetings, and Futures: An Interview with John Urry // Environment and Planning D. Society and Space. 2010. Vol. 28(1). P. 1–16.
Sheller M., Urry J. The New Mobilities Paradigm // Environment and Planning A. 2006. Vol. 38. P. 207–226.
Mobile Methods / Ed. M. Büscher, J. Urry, K. Witchger. London: Routledge, 2011.
Mobile Methodologies / Ed. B. Fincham, M. McGuinness, L. Murray. Bas¬ingstoke; New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010.
DeLyser D., Sui D. Crossing the Qualitative-quantitative Chasm II: Inventive Approaches to Big Data, Mobile Methods and Rhythmanalysis // Progress in Human Geography. 2012. Vol. 37(2). P. 293–305.
Возьянов А. Возможности как проблема. Об одном опыте «дигитали¬зированного» самонаблюдения информантов // Шаги/Steps. 2015. Вып. № 3. Т. 1. C. 114–126.
Глазков К., Стрельникова А. Мобильные методы: движение как часть исследовательской стратегии // INTER. ИНТЕРакция. ИНТЕРвью. ИНТЕРпре¬тация. 2015. № 10. C. 79–90.
Bærenholdt J.O., Haldrup M., Larsen J., Urry J. Performing Tourist Places. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2004.
Spinney J. Close Encounters? Mobile Methods, (Post)phenomenology and Affect // Cultural Geographies. 2015. Vol. 22(2). P. 231–246.
Büscher M. Mobile Methods // Mobile Lives Forum. URL: http:// en.forumviesmobiles.org/marks/mobile-methods-697 (date of access: 19.10.2017).
Self W. Psychogeography. London: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 2007.
Sinclair I. London Orbital. The Walk around the M25. London: Penguin, 2003.
Bissell D. Passenger Mobilities: Affective Atmospheres and the Sociality of Public Transport // Environment and Planning D. Society and Space. Vol. 28(2). P. 270–289.
Ways of Walking. Ethnography and Practice on Foot / Ed. T. Ingold, J. Ver¬gunst J.. Aldershot, Burlington: Ashgate, 2008.
Laurier E. Being There/Seeing There: Recording and Analysing Life in the Car // Mobile Methodologies / Ed. B. Fincham, M. McGuinness, L. Murray. Basing¬stoke; New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010. P. 103–117.
Merriman P. Rethinking Mobile Methods // Mobilities. 2014. Vol. 9(2). P. 167–187.
Macpherson H. Walking Methods in Landscape Research: Moving Bodies, Spaces of Disclosure and Rapport // Landscape Research. 2016. Vol. 41(4). P. 425–432.
Ross N. J., Renold E., Holland S., Hillman A. Moving Stories: Using Mobile Methods to Explore the Everyday Lives of Young People in Public Care // Qualitative Research. 2009. Vol. 9(5). P. 605–623.
Kusenbach M. Street Phenomenology the Go-along as Ethnographic Research Tool // Ethnography. 2003. Vol. 4(3). P. 455–485.
Lee J., Ingold T. Fieldwork on Foot: Perceiving, Routing, Socializing // Locating the Field. Space, Place and Context in Anthropology / Ed. S. Coleman, P. Collins. Oxford: Berg, 2006. P. 67–86.
Wiederhold A. Conducting Fieldwork at and away from Home: Shifting Researcher Positionality with Mobile Interviewing Methods // Qualitative Research. 2015. Vol. 15(5) P. 600 – 615.
Стрельникова А.В. Метод биографической прогулки: интервью в пространственном измерении // Современная социология — современной России: Сборник статей VI междунар. научно-практ. конфю памяти А.О. Крыштановского / Под ред. А.Б. Гофмана, Г.В. Градосельской, И.Ф. Девятко, Д.Х. Ибрагимовой, И.М. Козиной, Л.Я. Косалс, В.А. Мансурова, В.Г. Николаева, О.А. Оберемко, Н.Е. Покровского, Ю.Н. Толстовой, А.Ю. Чепуренко, Е.Р. Ярской-Смирновой. М.: Издательский дом НИУ ВШЭ, 2012. С. 665–672.
Spinney J. A Place of Sense: a Kinaesthetic Ethnography of Cyclists on Mt Ventoux // Environment and Planning D. Society and Space. 2006. Vol. 24(5). P. 709–732.
King K. Choosing Their Own Paths: Mobile Methodologies for Understanding Youth Lifestyles // Duncan T., Cohen S., Thulemark M. Lifestyle Mobilities: Intersections of Travel, Leisure and Migration. London; New York: Routledge, 2013. P. 83–98.
Aldred R., Jungnickel K. Constructing Mobile Places between ‘Leisure’ and ‘Transport’: A Case Study of Two Group Cycle Rides // Sociology. 2012. Vol. 46(3). P. 523–539.
Laurier E. Doing Office Work on the Motorway // Theory, Culture and Society. 2004. Vol. 21(4/5). P. 261–277.
Nóvoa A. ‘A Country on Wheels’: a Mobile Ethnography of Portuguese Lorry Drivers // Environment and Planning A. 2014. Vol. 46. P. 2834–2847.
Brembeck H., Hansson N., Vayre J.-S. Life Phases, Mobility and Consump¬tion: An Ethnography of Shopping Routes. London; New York: Routledge, 2016.
Plyuscheva A. E. Commuting with New Transport Infrastructure: Change, Cost and Comfort on the Sofia Metro Extension (Thesis Submitted for the degree of doctor of Philosophy University College London). 2016. URL: http://discovery. ucl.ac.uk/1514417/1/Plyushteva_Anna%20Final%20Thesis.pdf (date of access: 19.10.2017).
Чарнявска Б. Процесс организации: как его изучать и как писать о нем // Этнографическое обозрение. 2010. № 1. С. 6–23.
Jones P., Evans J. The Spatial Transcript: Analysing Mobilities through Qualitative GIS // Area. 2012. Vol. 44(1). P. 92–99.
Jones P., Evans J. Rescue Geography: Place Making, Affect and Regenera¬tion // Urban Studies. 2012. Vol. 49(11). P. 2315–2330.
Thrift N. Driving in the City // Theory, Culture & Society. 2004. Vol. 21(4–5). P. 41–59.
Adey P., Bissell D, McCormack D., Merriman P. Profiling the Passenger: Mo¬bilities, Identities, Embodiments // Cultural Geographies. 2012. Vol. 19(2). P. 169–193.
McDonald S. Studying Actions in Context: a Qualitative Shadowing Method for Organizational Research // Qualitative Research. 2005. Vol. 5(4). P. 455–473.
Blake K., Stalberg E. Me and My Shadow: Observation, Documentation, and Analysis of Serials and Electronic Resources Workflow // Serials Review. 2009. Vol. 35(4). P. 242–52.
Gilliat-Ray S. ‘Being There’: The Experience of Shadowing a British Muslim Hospital Chaplain // Qualitative Research. 2011. Vol. 11(5). P. 469–86.
Miller D. A Theory of Shopping. Cambridge: Polity, 1998.
Jiron P. On Becoming “la sombra”/ the Shadow // Büscher M., Urry J., Witchger K. Mobile Methods. London: Routledge, 2011.
Alamo A., Picone M. Shadowing and Qualitative Gis: Tools for Urban Nar¬rations // Scienze del territorio. 2015. No. 3: Rebuilding the City. P. 391–399.67
Czarniawska B. Shadowing and Other Techniques for Doing Fieldwork in Modern Societies. Liber, Sweden: Copenhagen Business School Press, 2007.
Gill R., Barbour J., Dean M. Shadowing in/as Work: Ten Recommenda¬tions for Shadowing Fieldwork Practice // Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management: An International Journal. 2014. Vol. 9(1). P. 69 – 89.
Vásquez C., Brummans B. H.J.M., Groleau C. Notes from the Field on Organizational Shadowing as Framing // Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management: An International Journal. 2012. Vol. 7(2). P. 144 – 165.
Запольская А. Б. Метод фотоинтервью в социальных исследованиях: аналитический обзор // Социология: методология, методы, математическое моделирование. 2014. № 39. С. 127–156.
Augaurd J.-F. Step by Step. Everyday Walks in a French Urban Housing Project. Minneapolis; London: Univ. of Minnesota Press, 2007 [1979].
Brown E., Shortell T. Walking in Cities Quotidian Mobility as Urban Theory, Method, and Practice. Philadelphia: Temple Univ. Press, 2015.
Де Серто М. Изобретение повседневности. СПб.: Изд-во Европейского университета, 2014.
Conley K. Robert Desnos, Surrealism, and the Marvelous in Everyday Life. Lincoln; London: University of Nebraska Press, 2008.
Sadler S. The Situationist City. Cambridge, MA: the MIT Press, 1999.
Hall T., Lashua B., Coffey A. Sound and the Everyday in Qualitative Research // Qualitative Inquiry. 2008. Vol. 14(6). P. 1019–1040.
Edensor T. The Ghosts of Industrial Ruins: Ordering and Disordering Memory in Excessive Space // Environment and Planning D: Society and Space. 2005. Vol. 23. P. 829–849.
Aoki J., Yoshimizu A. Walking Histories, Un/making Places: Walking Tours as Ethnography of Place // Space and Culture. 2015. Vol. 18(3). P. 273–284.