Изучение приходских общин в социологии: контексты исследования и основные подходы к концептуализации
Для цитирования
Орешина Д. А. Изучение приходских общин в социологии: контексты исследования и основные подходы к концептуализации // Социология: методология, методы, математическое моделирование (Социология:4М). 2016. № 39. С. 99-126.
В статье представлен аналитический обзор подходов к концептуализации понятия «приходская община» в социологии, их возможностей и ограничений. Предложенная классификация соответствующих исследований позволяет получить представление об основных направлениях изучения приходских общин в социальных науках.
Ключевые слова:
социология религии, приходская община, конгрегация, исследования конгрегаций, социальные функции религии
Beyer P. Social Forms of Religion in Contemporary Society // Handbook of the Sociology of Religion / Ed. M. Dillion. Univ. of New Hampshire: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2003.
Harris M. Religious Congregations as Nonprofit Organizations: Four English Case Studies // Sacred Companies: Organizational Aspects of Religion and Religious Aspects of Organizations / Ed. N.J. Demerath III, P.D. Hall, T. Shmitt, R.H. Wiliams. Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press, 1998. P. 307–320.
Jeavons H.T. Identifying Characteristics of «Religious» Organizations: an Exploratory Proposal // Sacred Companies: Organizational Aspects of Religion and Religious Aspects of Organizations / Ed. N.J. Demerath III, P.D. Hall, T. Shmitt, R.H. Wiliams. Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press, 1998. P. 379–96.
Faith-based Organizations and Exclusion in European Cities / Ed. J. Beaumont, P. Cloke. Univ. of Bristol: The Policy Press, 2012.
Wuthnow R. Saving America? Faith-Based Services and the Future of Civil Society. Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press, 2006.
Wuthnow R. Sharing the Journey. Support Groups and America’s New Quest for Community. N.Y.: The Free Press, 1994.
Орешина Д.А. Католический приход во второй половине ХХ в.: факторы формирования приходской общины // Материалы семинара «Социология религии». М.: ПСТГУ, 2010. URL: http://socrel.pstgu.ru/papers (дата обращения: 11.11.2014).
Орешина Д.А. Социологические исследования католического прихода в США до Второго Ватикана (1962–1965) // Материалы семинара «Социология религии». М.: ПСТГУ, 2010. URL: http://socrel.pstgu.ru/papers (дата обращения: 01.11.2014).
McGavran D.A. Bridges of God. N.Y.: Friendship Press, 1955.
Douglass P.H. 1,000 City Churches. N.Y.: George H.Doran Company, 1926.
Douglass P.H. The Church in the Changing City. N.Y.: George H. Doran Company, 1927.
Ammerman N. et.al. Studying Congregations: A New Handbook. Nashville: Abingdon, 1998.
Handbook for Congregational Studies / Ed. C.W. Jackson, C.S. Dudley, W.M. McKinney. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1986.
American Congregations / Ed. C. Dudley, J.P. Wind, J.W. Lewis. Chicago: The Univ. of Chicago Press, 1994.
Dudley C.S. From Typical Church to Social Ministry: A Study of the Elements Which Mobilize Congregations // Review of Religious Research. 1991. Vol. 32. No. 3. P. 195–212.
Gannon F.X. Bridging the Research Gap: CARA Response to Vatican-II // Review of Religious Research. 1967. Vol. 9 (1). P. 3–10.
Lane R., Jr. The Sociology of the Parish: Fichter’s Work and Beyond // Sociology of Religion. 1996. Vol. 57. No. 4. P. 345–349.
Shnepp G.J. Leakage from a Catholic Parish. Washington: The Catholic Univ. of American Press, 1942.
McCaffrey A. Youth in a Catholic Parish. Washington: The Catholic Univ. of American Press, 1941.
Coogan T.F. Catholic Fertility in Florida. Washington: The Catholic Univ. of American Press, 1946.
Sociology of the Parish / Ed. C.J. Nuesse, T.J. Harte. Milwaukee: Bruce Publishing Company, 1951.
The Emerging Parish: The Notre Dame Study of Catholic Life Since Vatican II / Ed. J. Gremillion, J. Castelli. Harpercollins, 1988.
Hornsby-Smith M.P. The Changing Parish: A Study of Parishes, Priests, and Parishioners after Vatican II. L.; N.Y.: Routledge, 1989.
Leedge D.C. The Parish as Community: Notre Dame Study of Catholic Parish Life. Report No. 10. 1987. URL: http://icl.nd.edu/assets/39495/report10.pdf (date of access: 11.11.2014).
Zech C., Gautier M.L. Catholic Parish Organizational Structure and Parish Outcomes // Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. 2004. Vol. 43 (1). P. 141–150.
Demerath N.J. III, Farnsely A.E. II. Congregations Resurgent // A Sage Handbook of the Sociology of Religion / Ed. J.A. Beckford, N.J. Demerath III. L.: Sage Publication, 2007.
Woodhead L., Guest M., Tusting K. Congregational Studies: Taking Stock // Congregational Studies in the UK: Christianity in a Post-Christian Context / Ed. M. Guest, K. Tusting, L. Woodhead. UK: Ashgate Publishing Company, 2004.
Swatos W.H., Jr. Congregationalism // Encyclopedia of Religion and Society / Ed. W.H. Swatos, Jr. 1998. URL: http://www.hartfordinstitute.org/ency/congregationalism.html (date of access: 11.11.2014).
Chaves M. Congregations in America. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Univ. Press, 2004.
Ammerman N. Pillars of Faith. Berkley: Univ. of California press, 2005.
Cnaan R.A. The Invisible Caring Hand. American Congregations and the Provision of Welfare. N.Y.: New-York Univ. Press, 2002.
Cnaan R.A. The Newer Deal: Social Work and Religion in Partnership. N.Y.: Columbia Univ. Press, 1998.
Fichter J.H. Dynamics in the City Church. N.Y.: Arno Press, 1978.
Fichter J.H. Social Relations in the Urban Parish. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1954.
Schuyler J.B., s.j. Northern Parish: A Sociological and Pastoral Study. Chicago: Loyola Univ. Press, 1960.
Putnam R.D. Bowling Alone: America’s Declining Social Capital // Journal of Democracy. 1995. Vol. 6 (1). P. 64–78.
Sider R.J., Unruh H.R. Saving Souls, Serving Society: Understanding the Faith Factor in Church-Based Social Ministry. N.Y.: Oxford Univ. Press, 2005.
Unruh H.R. Religious Elements of Church Based Social Service Programs: Types, Variables, and Integrative Strategies // Review of Religious Research. 2004. Vol. 45 (4). P. 317–335.
Ebaugh H.R., Pipes P.F., Chafetz J.S., Daniels M. Where’s the Religion? Distinguishing Faith-Based from Secular Social Service Agencies // Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. 2003. Vol. 42. No 3. P. 411–426.
Davidson J.D., Koch J.R. Beyond Mutual and Public Benefits: The Inward and Outward Orientations of Nonprofit Organizations // Sacred Companies: Organizational Aspects of Religion and Religious Aspects of Organizations / Ed. N.J. Demerath III, P.D. Hall, T. Shmitt, R.H. Wiliams. Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press, 1998. P. 292–306.
Cnaan R.A. The Other Philadelphia Story: How Local Congregations Support Quality of Life in Urban America. Philadelphia: Univ. of Pennsylvania Press, 2006.
Harris M. Quite Care – Welfare Work and Religious Congregations // Journal of Social Policy. 1995. Vol. 24. No. 1. P. 53–71.
Sager R. Faith-Based Social Services: Saving the Body or the Soul? A Research Note // Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. 2011. Vol. 50 (1). P. 201–210.
Павлюткина Е.Л. «Скрепление» и ответственность: специфика некоммерческих организаций в работе с бездомными (на примере религиозных организаций) // Журнал исследований социальной политики. 2012. № 4. C. 539–554.
Henriksen L.S., Smith S.R., Zimmer A. At the Eve of Convergence? Transformations of Social Service Provision in Denmark, Germany, and the United States // Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary & Nonprofit Organizations. 2012. Vol. 23. No. 2. P. 458–501.
Leis-Peters A. Hidden by Civil Society and Religion? Diaconal Institutions as Welfare Providers in the Growing Swedish Welfare State // Journal of Church and State. 2014. Vol. 56. No. 1. P. 105–127.
Neiheisel J.R., Djupe P.A. Intra-Organizational Constraints on Churches’ Public Witness // Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. 2008. Vol. 47 (3). P. 427–441.
Harris M. A Special Case of Voluntary Associations? Towards a Theory of Congregational Organization // British Journal of Sociology. 1998. Vol. 49. No. 4. P. 602–618.
Mueller C.W., McDuff E. Clergy – Congregation Mismatches and Clergy Job Satisfaction // Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. 2004. Vol. 43 (2). P. 261–273.
Iannacone L.R. Why Strict Churches are Strong // Sacred Companies: Organizational Aspects of Religion and Religious Aspects of Organizations / Ed. N.J. Demerath III, P.D. Hall, T. Shmitt, R.H. Wiliams. Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press, 1998. P. 269–291.
Thomas J.N., Olson D.V.A. Testing the Strictness Thesis and Competing. Theories of Congregational Growth // Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. 2010. Vol. 49 (4). P. 619–639.
Whitehead A.L. Financial Commitment Within Federations of Small Groups: The Effect of Cell-Based Congregational Structure on Individual Giving // Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. 2010. Vol. 49 (4). P. 640–656.
Scheitle C.P., Adamzyczyk A. It Takes Two: The Interplay of Individual and Group Theology on Social Embeddedness // Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. 2009. Vol. 48 (1). P. 16–29.
Ebaugh, H.R., O’Brien О., Chafetz J.S. The Social Ecology of Residential Pattern and Memberships In Immigrant Churches // Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. 2000. Vol. 39. P. 107–116.
Form W., Dubrow J. Downtown Metropolitan Churches: Ecological Situation and Response // Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. 2005. Vol. 44. P. 271–290.
Reimer S.H. Orthodoxy Niches: Diversity in Congregational Orthodoxy Among Three Protestant Denominations in the United States // Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. 2011. Vol. 50 (4). P. 763–779.
Stijn R., De Graaf N.D. National Context, Religiosity, and Volunteering: Results from 53 Countries // American Sociological Review. 2006. Vol. 71 (2). P. 191–210.
Park J.Z., Smith С. «To Whom Much Has Been Given...»: Religious Capital and Community Voluntarism among Churchgoing Protestants // Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. 2000. Vol. 39 (3). P. 272–286.
Stack S., Wasserman I. The Effect of Religion on Suicide Ideology: An Analysis of the Network Perspective // Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. 1992. Vol. 31 (4). P. 457–466.
Ellison C.G., Krause N.M., Shepherd B.C., Chaves M.A. Size, Conflict, and Opportunities for Interaction: Congregational Effects on Members’ Anticipated Support and Negative Interaction // Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. 2009. Vol. 48. No. 1. P. 1–15.
Lim Ch., Putnam R.D. Religion, Social Networks, and Life Satisfaction // American Sociological Review. 2010. Vol. 75. No. 6. P. 914–933.
The Documents of Vatican II / Ed. W.M. Abbot. L.: Geoffrey Chapman, 1966.
Chaves M., Anderson S. Continuity and Change in American Congregations: Introducing the Second Wave of the National Congregations Study // Sociology of Religion. 2008. Vol. 69. No. 4. P. 415–440.
Chaves M., Anderson S. Changing American Congregations: Findings from the Third Wave of the National Congregations Study // Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. 2014 (forthcoming). URL: http://www.soc.duke.edu/natcong/Docs/Changing_American_Congs.pdf (date of access: 11.11.2014).
Chaves M., Konieczny M.E., Beyerlein K., Barman E. The National Congregations Study: Background, Methods, and Selected Results // Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. 1999. Vol. 38. No. 4. P. 458–476.
U.S. Congregational Life Survey // Review of Religious Research. 2004. Vol. 46 (2). P. 206–207.
Farnsley A. The Rise of Congregational Studies in the USA // Congregational Studies in the UK. Christianity in a Post-Christian Context / Ed. M. Guest, K. Tusting, L. Woodhead. Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing Company, 2004.
The Catholic Encyclopedic Dictionary (Donald Attwater). L.; Toronto; Melbourne; Sydney; Wellington: Cassel and Company, Ltd., 1951.
Stringer A. Congregation and Social Structure: An Investigation into Four Northern Irish Memberships // Social Compass. 2013. Vol. 60 (1). P. 22–40.
Harris M. Religious Congregations as Nonprofit Organizations: Four English Case Studies // Sacred Companies: Organizational Aspects of Religion and Religious Aspects of Organizations / Ed. N.J. Demerath III, P.D. Hall, T. Shmitt, R.H. Wiliams. Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press, 1998. P. 307–320.
Jeavons H.T. Identifying Characteristics of «Religious» Organizations: an Exploratory Proposal // Sacred Companies: Organizational Aspects of Religion and Religious Aspects of Organizations / Ed. N.J. Demerath III, P.D. Hall, T. Shmitt, R.H. Wiliams. Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press, 1998. P. 379–96.
Faith-based Organizations and Exclusion in European Cities / Ed. J. Beaumont, P. Cloke. Univ. of Bristol: The Policy Press, 2012.
Wuthnow R. Saving America? Faith-Based Services and the Future of Civil Society. Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press, 2006.
Wuthnow R. Sharing the Journey. Support Groups and America’s New Quest for Community. N.Y.: The Free Press, 1994.
Орешина Д.А. Католический приход во второй половине ХХ в.: факторы формирования приходской общины // Материалы семинара «Социология религии». М.: ПСТГУ, 2010. URL: http://socrel.pstgu.ru/papers (дата обращения: 11.11.2014).
Орешина Д.А. Социологические исследования католического прихода в США до Второго Ватикана (1962–1965) // Материалы семинара «Социология религии». М.: ПСТГУ, 2010. URL: http://socrel.pstgu.ru/papers (дата обращения: 01.11.2014).
McGavran D.A. Bridges of God. N.Y.: Friendship Press, 1955.
Douglass P.H. 1,000 City Churches. N.Y.: George H.Doran Company, 1926.
Douglass P.H. The Church in the Changing City. N.Y.: George H. Doran Company, 1927.
Ammerman N. et.al. Studying Congregations: A New Handbook. Nashville: Abingdon, 1998.
Handbook for Congregational Studies / Ed. C.W. Jackson, C.S. Dudley, W.M. McKinney. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1986.
American Congregations / Ed. C. Dudley, J.P. Wind, J.W. Lewis. Chicago: The Univ. of Chicago Press, 1994.
Dudley C.S. From Typical Church to Social Ministry: A Study of the Elements Which Mobilize Congregations // Review of Religious Research. 1991. Vol. 32. No. 3. P. 195–212.
Gannon F.X. Bridging the Research Gap: CARA Response to Vatican-II // Review of Religious Research. 1967. Vol. 9 (1). P. 3–10.
Lane R., Jr. The Sociology of the Parish: Fichter’s Work and Beyond // Sociology of Religion. 1996. Vol. 57. No. 4. P. 345–349.
Shnepp G.J. Leakage from a Catholic Parish. Washington: The Catholic Univ. of American Press, 1942.
McCaffrey A. Youth in a Catholic Parish. Washington: The Catholic Univ. of American Press, 1941.
Coogan T.F. Catholic Fertility in Florida. Washington: The Catholic Univ. of American Press, 1946.
Sociology of the Parish / Ed. C.J. Nuesse, T.J. Harte. Milwaukee: Bruce Publishing Company, 1951.
The Emerging Parish: The Notre Dame Study of Catholic Life Since Vatican II / Ed. J. Gremillion, J. Castelli. Harpercollins, 1988.
Hornsby-Smith M.P. The Changing Parish: A Study of Parishes, Priests, and Parishioners after Vatican II. L.; N.Y.: Routledge, 1989.
Leedge D.C. The Parish as Community: Notre Dame Study of Catholic Parish Life. Report No. 10. 1987. URL: http://icl.nd.edu/assets/39495/report10.pdf (date of access: 11.11.2014).
Zech C., Gautier M.L. Catholic Parish Organizational Structure and Parish Outcomes // Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. 2004. Vol. 43 (1). P. 141–150.
Demerath N.J. III, Farnsely A.E. II. Congregations Resurgent // A Sage Handbook of the Sociology of Religion / Ed. J.A. Beckford, N.J. Demerath III. L.: Sage Publication, 2007.
Woodhead L., Guest M., Tusting K. Congregational Studies: Taking Stock // Congregational Studies in the UK: Christianity in a Post-Christian Context / Ed. M. Guest, K. Tusting, L. Woodhead. UK: Ashgate Publishing Company, 2004.
Swatos W.H., Jr. Congregationalism // Encyclopedia of Religion and Society / Ed. W.H. Swatos, Jr. 1998. URL: http://www.hartfordinstitute.org/ency/congregationalism.html (date of access: 11.11.2014).
Chaves M. Congregations in America. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Univ. Press, 2004.
Ammerman N. Pillars of Faith. Berkley: Univ. of California press, 2005.
Cnaan R.A. The Invisible Caring Hand. American Congregations and the Provision of Welfare. N.Y.: New-York Univ. Press, 2002.
Cnaan R.A. The Newer Deal: Social Work and Religion in Partnership. N.Y.: Columbia Univ. Press, 1998.
Fichter J.H. Dynamics in the City Church. N.Y.: Arno Press, 1978.
Fichter J.H. Social Relations in the Urban Parish. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1954.
Schuyler J.B., s.j. Northern Parish: A Sociological and Pastoral Study. Chicago: Loyola Univ. Press, 1960.
Putnam R.D. Bowling Alone: America’s Declining Social Capital // Journal of Democracy. 1995. Vol. 6 (1). P. 64–78.
Sider R.J., Unruh H.R. Saving Souls, Serving Society: Understanding the Faith Factor in Church-Based Social Ministry. N.Y.: Oxford Univ. Press, 2005.
Unruh H.R. Religious Elements of Church Based Social Service Programs: Types, Variables, and Integrative Strategies // Review of Religious Research. 2004. Vol. 45 (4). P. 317–335.
Ebaugh H.R., Pipes P.F., Chafetz J.S., Daniels M. Where’s the Religion? Distinguishing Faith-Based from Secular Social Service Agencies // Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. 2003. Vol. 42. No 3. P. 411–426.
Davidson J.D., Koch J.R. Beyond Mutual and Public Benefits: The Inward and Outward Orientations of Nonprofit Organizations // Sacred Companies: Organizational Aspects of Religion and Religious Aspects of Organizations / Ed. N.J. Demerath III, P.D. Hall, T. Shmitt, R.H. Wiliams. Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press, 1998. P. 292–306.
Cnaan R.A. The Other Philadelphia Story: How Local Congregations Support Quality of Life in Urban America. Philadelphia: Univ. of Pennsylvania Press, 2006.
Harris M. Quite Care – Welfare Work and Religious Congregations // Journal of Social Policy. 1995. Vol. 24. No. 1. P. 53–71.
Sager R. Faith-Based Social Services: Saving the Body or the Soul? A Research Note // Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. 2011. Vol. 50 (1). P. 201–210.
Павлюткина Е.Л. «Скрепление» и ответственность: специфика некоммерческих организаций в работе с бездомными (на примере религиозных организаций) // Журнал исследований социальной политики. 2012. № 4. C. 539–554.
Henriksen L.S., Smith S.R., Zimmer A. At the Eve of Convergence? Transformations of Social Service Provision in Denmark, Germany, and the United States // Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary & Nonprofit Organizations. 2012. Vol. 23. No. 2. P. 458–501.
Leis-Peters A. Hidden by Civil Society and Religion? Diaconal Institutions as Welfare Providers in the Growing Swedish Welfare State // Journal of Church and State. 2014. Vol. 56. No. 1. P. 105–127.
Neiheisel J.R., Djupe P.A. Intra-Organizational Constraints on Churches’ Public Witness // Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. 2008. Vol. 47 (3). P. 427–441.
Harris M. A Special Case of Voluntary Associations? Towards a Theory of Congregational Organization // British Journal of Sociology. 1998. Vol. 49. No. 4. P. 602–618.
Mueller C.W., McDuff E. Clergy – Congregation Mismatches and Clergy Job Satisfaction // Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. 2004. Vol. 43 (2). P. 261–273.
Iannacone L.R. Why Strict Churches are Strong // Sacred Companies: Organizational Aspects of Religion and Religious Aspects of Organizations / Ed. N.J. Demerath III, P.D. Hall, T. Shmitt, R.H. Wiliams. Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press, 1998. P. 269–291.
Thomas J.N., Olson D.V.A. Testing the Strictness Thesis and Competing. Theories of Congregational Growth // Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. 2010. Vol. 49 (4). P. 619–639.
Whitehead A.L. Financial Commitment Within Federations of Small Groups: The Effect of Cell-Based Congregational Structure on Individual Giving // Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. 2010. Vol. 49 (4). P. 640–656.
Scheitle C.P., Adamzyczyk A. It Takes Two: The Interplay of Individual and Group Theology on Social Embeddedness // Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. 2009. Vol. 48 (1). P. 16–29.
Ebaugh, H.R., O’Brien О., Chafetz J.S. The Social Ecology of Residential Pattern and Memberships In Immigrant Churches // Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. 2000. Vol. 39. P. 107–116.
Form W., Dubrow J. Downtown Metropolitan Churches: Ecological Situation and Response // Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. 2005. Vol. 44. P. 271–290.
Reimer S.H. Orthodoxy Niches: Diversity in Congregational Orthodoxy Among Three Protestant Denominations in the United States // Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. 2011. Vol. 50 (4). P. 763–779.
Stijn R., De Graaf N.D. National Context, Religiosity, and Volunteering: Results from 53 Countries // American Sociological Review. 2006. Vol. 71 (2). P. 191–210.
Park J.Z., Smith С. «To Whom Much Has Been Given...»: Religious Capital and Community Voluntarism among Churchgoing Protestants // Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. 2000. Vol. 39 (3). P. 272–286.
Stack S., Wasserman I. The Effect of Religion on Suicide Ideology: An Analysis of the Network Perspective // Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. 1992. Vol. 31 (4). P. 457–466.
Ellison C.G., Krause N.M., Shepherd B.C., Chaves M.A. Size, Conflict, and Opportunities for Interaction: Congregational Effects on Members’ Anticipated Support and Negative Interaction // Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. 2009. Vol. 48. No. 1. P. 1–15.
Lim Ch., Putnam R.D. Religion, Social Networks, and Life Satisfaction // American Sociological Review. 2010. Vol. 75. No. 6. P. 914–933.
The Documents of Vatican II / Ed. W.M. Abbot. L.: Geoffrey Chapman, 1966.
Chaves M., Anderson S. Continuity and Change in American Congregations: Introducing the Second Wave of the National Congregations Study // Sociology of Religion. 2008. Vol. 69. No. 4. P. 415–440.
Chaves M., Anderson S. Changing American Congregations: Findings from the Third Wave of the National Congregations Study // Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. 2014 (forthcoming). URL: http://www.soc.duke.edu/natcong/Docs/Changing_American_Congs.pdf (date of access: 11.11.2014).
Chaves M., Konieczny M.E., Beyerlein K., Barman E. The National Congregations Study: Background, Methods, and Selected Results // Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. 1999. Vol. 38. No. 4. P. 458–476.
U.S. Congregational Life Survey // Review of Religious Research. 2004. Vol. 46 (2). P. 206–207.
Farnsley A. The Rise of Congregational Studies in the USA // Congregational Studies in the UK. Christianity in a Post-Christian Context / Ed. M. Guest, K. Tusting, L. Woodhead. Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing Company, 2004.
The Catholic Encyclopedic Dictionary (Donald Attwater). L.; Toronto; Melbourne; Sydney; Wellington: Cassel and Company, Ltd., 1951.
Stringer A. Congregation and Social Structure: An Investigation into Four Northern Irish Memberships // Social Compass. 2013. Vol. 60 (1). P. 22–40.
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Орешина, Д. А. (2016). Изучение приходских общин в социологии: контексты исследования и основные подходы к концептуализации. Социология: методология, методы, математическое моделирование (Социология:4М), (39), 99-126. извлечено от https://soc4m.ru/index.php/soc4m/article/view/3780