Вертикальная трудовая мобильность как марковский процесс
В статье рассматриваются направления развития класса математических моделей с марковскими свойствами. Обосновывается применимость таких моделей для анализа вертикальной трудовой мобильности. Предлагается методика этого анализа и результаты ее апробации на данных панели RLMS.
Ключевые слова:
анализ последовательностей, марковская цепь, марковский процесс, марковские свойства, вертикальная трудовая мобильность
Abbott A. Sequence Analysis: New Methods for Old Ideas [Text] // Annual Review of Sociology. 1995. Vol. 21. P. 93–113.
McGinnis R. A Stochastic Model of Social Mobility // American Sociological Review. Oct. 1968. Vol. 33. No. 5. P. 712–722.
Tuma N.B., Hannan M.T., Groeneveld L.P. Dynamic Analysis of Event Histories // The American Journal of Sociology. Jan. 1979. Vol. 84, No. 4, P. 820–854.
Petersen T. Recent Advances in Longitudinal Methodology [Text] // Annual Review of Sociology. 1993. Vol. 19. P. 425–454.
Singer B. Estimation of Nonstationary Markov Chains from Panel Data // Sociological Methodology. 1981. Vol. 12. P. 319–337.
Spilerman S. Extensions of the Mover-Stayer Model // The American Journal of Sociology. Nov. 1972. Vol. 78. No. 3. P. 599–626.
Spilerman S. The Analysis of Mobility Processes by the Introduction of Independent Variables into a Markov Chain // American Sociological Review. Jun. 1972. Vol. 37. No. 3. P. 277–294.
International Labor Organization. International Standard Classification of Occupations 88 // http://www.ilo.org/public/english/bureau/stat/isco/isco88/index.htm.
European Socio-economic Classification (ESeC) // http://www.iser.essex.ac.uk/esec/.
Официальный сайт SPSS Rus // http://www.spss.ru/.
The R Project for Statistical Computing // http://www.r-project.org/.
Jackson Ch. Msm (Multi-state Markov and Hidden Markov Models in Continuous Time) Package Version 0.9.6 (11.02.2010) // The R Project for Statistical Computing // http://www.r-project.org/.
Kruskal W. Relative Importance by Averaging Over Orderings // The American Statistician. Feb. 1987. Vol. 41. No. 1. P. 6–10.
Groemping U., Lehrkamp M. Relaimpo (Relative Importance of Regressors in Linear Models) Package Version 2.1-4 (19.10.2009) // The R Project for Statistical Computing // http://www.r-project.org/; http://prof.tfh-berlin.de/groemping/relaimpo/; http://prof.tfh-berlin.de/groemping/.
McGinnis R. A Stochastic Model of Social Mobility // American Sociological Review. Oct. 1968. Vol. 33. No. 5. P. 712–722.
Tuma N.B., Hannan M.T., Groeneveld L.P. Dynamic Analysis of Event Histories // The American Journal of Sociology. Jan. 1979. Vol. 84, No. 4, P. 820–854.
Petersen T. Recent Advances in Longitudinal Methodology [Text] // Annual Review of Sociology. 1993. Vol. 19. P. 425–454.
Singer B. Estimation of Nonstationary Markov Chains from Panel Data // Sociological Methodology. 1981. Vol. 12. P. 319–337.
Spilerman S. Extensions of the Mover-Stayer Model // The American Journal of Sociology. Nov. 1972. Vol. 78. No. 3. P. 599–626.
Spilerman S. The Analysis of Mobility Processes by the Introduction of Independent Variables into a Markov Chain // American Sociological Review. Jun. 1972. Vol. 37. No. 3. P. 277–294.
International Labor Organization. International Standard Classification of Occupations 88 // http://www.ilo.org/public/english/bureau/stat/isco/isco88/index.htm.
European Socio-economic Classification (ESeC) // http://www.iser.essex.ac.uk/esec/.
Официальный сайт SPSS Rus // http://www.spss.ru/.
The R Project for Statistical Computing // http://www.r-project.org/.
Jackson Ch. Msm (Multi-state Markov and Hidden Markov Models in Continuous Time) Package Version 0.9.6 (11.02.2010) // The R Project for Statistical Computing // http://www.r-project.org/.
Kruskal W. Relative Importance by Averaging Over Orderings // The American Statistician. Feb. 1987. Vol. 41. No. 1. P. 6–10.
Groemping U., Lehrkamp M. Relaimpo (Relative Importance of Regressors in Linear Models) Package Version 2.1-4 (19.10.2009) // The R Project for Statistical Computing // http://www.r-project.org/; http://prof.tfh-berlin.de/groemping/relaimpo/; http://prof.tfh-berlin.de/groemping/.